Saturday, November 20, 2010


(Roger's picture taken at 2006 Pow Wow luncheon by Connie)

12/2 PACIFIC TIME: 9 pm or 12/3 midnight
12/2 HD EAST COAST TIME 6 pm or 9 pm

Roger sent this e-mail message:
The following is a notice sent out on 11/11/10 to all retired SS Agents. You may find the Discovery Channel program interesting and enlightening. You will be hearing from the SS Agents who were with JFK in Dallas. I worked with all the agents named in this presentation and will be anxious to see them and hear their interviews. I know in several cases the weight of stress from the Dallas event really aged them. If you are able to view this program would you let me know what you think of it? It should be very informative.
(Roger Grunwald, Pow Wow class rep for FUHS class of  1955)
His email address is on
Notice sent out to all retired SS Agents:
“I'm sure you have some info on the book "The Kennedy Detail" that Jerry Blain, in consort with Lisa McCubbin (author) and major input from Clint Hill has written (along with info, documents, photo's, etc., from the majority of Agents still living and the surviving families of deceased Detail Agents). The book was picked up and published by Simon and Schuster, the printed copies were released Tuesday the 2nd of November, with advance copies available at
After the publisher picked up the book, the Discovery Channel filmed a 2 hour program to be aired on The Discovery Channel at 9PM on November 22nd. The Discovery Channel production is a takeoff on the book and during June, former Detail Agents were invited to Dallas, TX for a reunion of sorts and interviews with scenes filmed in Dealey Plaza and the School Book Depository Museum. The Discovery Channel and Jerry Blain selected a number of the former Detail Agents to be reimbursed for their travel to Dallas.
Subsequent to all of this the book was released and Jerry, Lisa and Clint have been at book signings from Boston to the West Coast. Tentative plans are for a book signing to be held in Tampa (Book Store ??) on Jan 27th. Jerry says that they may also include Naples and West Palm Beach locations. All of these schedules are listed (and updated) on Jerry's Blog. Clint and/or Jerry have been filmed and on live interviews with; C-Span, Fox News, the Major Channels, etc.
This past Monday Nov 8th, the Discovery Channel hosted/produced a private advance screening of the filmed production. It was hosted by Georgetown University. The Dean of the School of Library Science, announced the start of the program and after several lead in presentations from the film production company, five Agents were introduced (Retired Agents Hill, Lawson, Blaine, Pontius and Wells) along with Lisa McCubbin, who acted as the moderator, and were seated as a panel on the stage of Gaston Hall, the University's historic auditorium. The hall was filled with approximately 750 attendees including students, press reporters from the 1960's, about 30 or more SS Agents from the Washington area and others. After selected screening portions of the film, the moderator would continue the subject matter being shown with the panel. This was followed by a question and answer session for the attendees and also followed by a book signing session.
The books, several hundred, were sold out before the program began. And after a book signing session, some of the attendees presented the 5"x7" placards, that have been distributed to announce the book nationwide, for autographs of the panel.Monday, prior to the program at Georgetown University, The Director (SS) hosted a lunch in his HQ conference room for the Agents that were in town for the GU program. The 2 hour presentation will be aired on The Discovery Channel, November 22nd at 9 PM. I'm sure some of our retired Agents in FL, as well as other states, are not aware of the schedule and would be interested in viewing the Nov 22nd program. The previewed segments shown at the Georgetown private showing were impressive.”


At 7:48 PM , Blogger CL said...

FYI - Discovery Channel air date has been changed to December 2nd. 9 pm e/p.


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