Many classes do not have a Pow Wow representative who contacts his class with information about Pow Wow luncheons, etc.
We usually are able to get news about the luncheons uploaded to the following web site (see a little farther down), but that site hasn't been up-dated since 7/25/2011 and I don't have any idea why as I can't get an answer from the web master. I can only hope that Kurt is OK. The information for the 2011 luncheon is still on the site. The three people listed in that 2011 article can be contacted if you need future news.
When you get on that site, you click on "click here for more" to see the Pow Wow information.
At this time there is no way to get your e-mail address put on that alumni directory or changed if you have a new address.
The handout that you get at the luncheon always lists how to contact some members of the committee. We always advise you to save that page. Cut out that information and stick it on your refrigerator. (Also, you can always google Connie Stafford Van Horn. My e-mail address is on my blog.) If your class does not have even one person who thinks enough of his classmates to send out some letters or e-mails, you are on your own getting information unless a rep from another class takes pity on you and covers your class too.
Contact me if you want to be a rep or co-rep. I have the contact list for your class.
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