Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Someone asked me a couple of weeks ago if I knew anything about this new service called Alumni Junction. I didn't, other than having received an offer to join.

The other day, I got a message from Alumni Junction that a friend had posted a message on my profile. When I clicked on the link, it wanted me to join before being able to read the message. I sent an e-mail to my friend's personal e-mail account to find out what he wanted to tell me. He said he had no knowledge of Alumni Junction and had not tried to e-mail me.

I don't think this is a good way for Alumni Junction to drum up business if that is what is going on. If someone else is trying to steal money from them by mis-directing their membership fees, someone who belongs to this service should warn them. I would have been pretty mad if I had paid money and not found any message waiting for me.

I just got another similar message supposedly from Alumni Junction, saying that a different friend had a message waiting for me.

Buyer beware.


At 8:11 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Just saw this today. I get at least 5 emails from Alumni Junction saying a "friend has posted a message to me at Alumni Junction". My graduating class was over 800 students (1972) so you can imagine how many of these fake emails I have gotten over the past five months. It should be illegal to send false message notices to try and get someone to join this hinky site!

At 4:44 AM , Blogger Diane said...

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At 4:46 AM , Blogger Diane said...

I'm experiencing the same situation. With a upcoming high school reunion I continue to click on the links. I'm taken to an error page with no access to their home page. Strange way to run a business

At 10:13 PM , Blogger dwprods said...

Likewise, Alumni Junction seems to be a scam. I was receiving notices that my high school classmates were posting notices for me. The catch is that you have to pay to sign up. It felt fishy. I wrote one of my friends who said they had not sent any notice via Alumni Junction. This is a bad website with nothing to offer. I recommend staying with your own alumni organization.

At 1:31 PM , Blogger DONNA said...

Back in June of this year I actually subscribed because I had gotten lots of emails but finally they listed a very old classmate that never comes to reunions. Once I gave them my credit card I saw that all messages were blank. I stopped the payment and had better business bureau check it out. It was located up East and they had gone out of business. After they got my money they high tailed it out of town. DO NOT EVER USE ALUMNI JUNCTION. They are scam artists and I got scammed. Glad to have this to warn others....donna in OK

At 12:07 PM , Blogger Debbie said...

A few years ago I joined Alumni Junction, paid $36.00 for a LIFETIME membership - I started getting messages that "Susan" who posted a message on my Waco High School profile." I didnt go to Waco High School and when I went to Alumni Junction to send a message to customer services I couldn't. There is no customer service and in order to even get anywhere you have to "join;" which in essence I already have. I paid $36.00 for a lifetime membership that I can NEVER use as it seems I've been seriously SCAMMED!!!


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