Thursday, February 23, 2012


If you haven't been looking at the 2012 Pow Wow blog because you aren't coming to the luncheon on March 3, please click on and read the information there. There won't be a 2013 Pow Wow blog if there is no volunteer to create and maintain it. We also need volunteers for classes that don't have a rep. It isn't fair for a volunteer who already contacts his own class to be asked to cover the classes without a rep too. That's a big job. (I think that if a class can't find even one person who cares enough about his class to send out emails and a few letters, that class can just figure out another way to get the news. I have no patience with people who let others do all the work and they just come to the party. A class could rotate the job or have a committee that divides up the mailing list.)
Also, the treasurer and I have been processing reservation forms that sometimes come to us on small scraps of paper and are very difficult to handle and not lose. When your printer doesn't work,  please print your information on an 8 X 11 size sheet of paper. Have some pity.


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