Monday, March 17, 2014


From Lois Putman Givens on March 16, 2014:

(Jerry Putman. FUHS ’52, is Lois’ cousin.)

Sent an e-mail asking LaVonne how Jerry was and this was her reply.
Please share with the FUHS alumni.
Lois Putman Givens, FUHS ‘53

 LaVonne Foss Putman, FUHS ’53, answered:

 So glad to hear from you.  Jerry has been in and out of the hospital since Christmas and he went to be with our Lord last Wednesday morning. All our kids were here, the boys took turns staying with him at night.  Called Harold, he seemed to be fine, Keith talked to him.  Still hard to think he is gone.  Don't know exactly when the memorial will be.  More later.


Lois asked me to add the following message:

Dear Lois,
We are having a celebration of his life tomorrow evening at our local Country Club. But his formal memorial won't be until June 7th, when all the kids and their families can be here.  We will have that at the church and his ashes will be placed at the church columbarium. Seems like a long time, but we need the family to reconvene. They were all here for a couple weeks with him before and when he died, but had to return to their homes.

I have heard from several of his class mates and mine already, I truly thank them, and you, for your thoughts and prayers. He was a good husband, father, and grandfather; he certainly will be missed, but our confidence is that he is now seeing the glory of heaven.

(From Connie: LaVonne sent her address & e-mail address should someone
wish to send the family a condolence. Email Lois or me for LaVonne’s contact information as I don’t want to put it on the blog.)


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