Monday, February 27, 2012


from Dave Williams, FUHS ‘51

Connie, ya spose the statute of limitations has passed? I confess, I am the one who set off the firecracker in studyhall and got away with it....... to some extent. It was quiet in studyhall that day, everyone's head bent to their task. I added about an 8" long fuse to a firecracker, stepped though the door to the typing room, lit the fuse, tossed it up on the balcony, and eased back through the door to my seat, next to that door. It took so long, I thought the fuse must have flamed out. So I jumped as high as any when it did go off.
Not too much later, Ms Pearce sat me at one corner of her desk, and Anson Worley at the other.
Love, Dave

What do you think your chances might be if you give me permission to post this confession? Give me the year you did this so you get proper credit.

LOL, it was probably 1949 or 1950, when Anson ('53) started FUHS in cahoots with me. He and I had ditched school at Washington Grammar in La Habra together so many times. And when he got to FUHS, we took up where we left off. Sure, post it if ya want. Maybe someone will remember how everybody jumped when that thing went off. I was a troublemaker in HS, no doubt. Had many other stories, but maybe another time. Wish I could remember what happened yesterday as well as I remember 60 years ago.

(Anson, Dave has squealed. But you don't have permission to beat him up Sat at the luncheon.)


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