Clifford Loren Bowman went home to be with the Lord shortly after 2 am, 1/20/08 PST. With the Lord, who said, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)Loren was a great husband, dad, uncle and grandpa. He is already missed by his wife, three kids, their spouses, and eleven grandchildren. A greatgrandchild is due soon. The family has discussed the possibility of a memorial service to be held the weekend of February 8, but nothing has been firmed up so watch this site for more details. Given Loren's commitment to the Lord, his big loving family, and his extended church family, it should be a great service.
(Sent by Florence Satchell, Pow Wow class rep for the class of '56)
Additional information:
With his wife Anne (my sister), Loren Bowman was the main reason Nancy and I were compelled to move to Oregon in 1997 and plant Bear Creek Church in 1998. That's why we were dumbfounded when Loren was stricken the day BCC was celebrating its 10th anniversary, last Sunday (January 13). The Bowmans were vacationing in Hawaii, sick about missing BCC's big day but unable to change their long-held reservations. Here are some of the notes I've made about Loren's situation. There is some unnecessary detail here, but family members will want to know as much as possible. If you have any replies or corrections, please send them to me at pastordale@aol.com.
Check back for updates as the situation progresses. Thank you for your concern, and for keeping my brother-in-law and his family in your prayers. - Pastor Dale
(From Connie: Click on "Comments" below to read the notes that Pastor Dale made and the obituary.)