(Sent in by Mike Johnson '58) (Dave Williams '51 gave me an article from the Yorba Linda Star)
In the Fullerton Observer March 1, 2012
by Elizabeth P. Clippinger
Elsie Mildred Green, recently celebrated her 106th birthday! She was born February 8, 1906 in Goddard, Kansas to William and Emma Warfield. In 1912, when she was 6 years old, the family moved to Southern California for her younger brother's health. They lived in Anaheim, Fullerton, and briefly in LA. About 1920 her father was hired by the Associated Oil Company and they lived in a house on company property at Imperial Highway and Associated Rd. east of Brea. After graduating from Fullerton Union High School in 1924, Elsie enrolled in a business college and worked for the Chaffee Grocery Store in Brea. She was then employed by the Law Firms of E.O. Mathis in Anaheim and then by Waters, Leaner and Collins in Fullerton. During this time her cousins introduced her to Charles “Cash” Green. Elsie thought he was a handsome young man and a lot of fun! Cash commented that the more he talked to this cute little gal the more he thought he should be the one to take care of her for life. They dated and were married July 12, 1927 in her parents home. Eventually, they moved to Brea. Elsie worked for 2 years as a PBX telephone operator for Union Oil Co., and also at the local grocery store (her favorite job). Cash was employed most of their married life by Anaheim Track & Transfer. Cash and Elsie had 3 children Dwight, Barbara and Marjorie. They were a happy family in the early years and during the Depression, kept chickens and a milk cow and raised a bountiful vegetable garden. Elsie preserved everything she could and they traded for staples at the local grocery store. In 1947, they decided to try farming in Washington state with Elsie's brother and family. Two years later they returned and built a little home on Laurel St. in Brea- it is still there today. In time, Elsie took a position asa cafeteria employee with the Brea School District and worked there for 12 years. In 1950,
Elsie and Cash bought a home in Yorba Linda. It was here they enjoyed 40 more years of married life. Elsie has fond memories of the grandchildren coming on the weekends, filling the house with fun and laughter. Elsie and Cash were longtime members of Faith Community Church. and she still enjoys visits from her church family. She and Cash had a travel trailer and enjoyed many years of R.V. ing with the Aloha R.V. Club. Cash passed away in 1990 and Elsie moved to Brighton Gardens (now Emeritus) in Yorba Linda. Most of her family live nearby so she sees them often. She says their attention and affection are the reason she is still alive at 106. Elsie has 3 children, 10 grandchildren, 26 great grandchildren and 8 great great grandchildren with 2 more expected this summer. At her birthday celebration the Fullerton High School Principal Cathy Gach and the principal’s secretary Linda Kay Gluhak were her special guests. They gave her a wonderful quilt and big banner that the Fullerton High School students made for her. The banner said “Happy Birthday Lady Indian!” Elsie would be the first to say that she has been blessed with a long and wonderful life!