The 2009 Pow Wow luncheon reservation forms are being sent out now.
Update your information on Connie's Pow Wow contact list by contacting your class rep who is listed below or Connie. Most class reps have their email address on as does Connie
CVANHORN@PACBELL.NETLetters are usually sent only to alumni who don't have email and who have attended a prior luncheon. It is your responsibility to be sure Connie has your current email address and to email Connie if you haven't received news by Halloween. Put your email address on so your friends can reach you. (If you have your email address on the above site, be sure that it is CURRENT.) Help your friends who don't have email by phoning them to be sure that they receive a letter and email Connie if they don't.
Class Representatives for 2009 POW WOW
Please notice that some classes need a class rep or a co-rep with e-mail.
1937 Gordon Walker
1938 Harold Horn/ Co-rep with Kendall Neisess
1939 Kendall Neisess will cover this class too
1942 Barbara Collins (no computer)
1943 Gerry Crowley Campbell / Co-rep with Kenneth Sigmund
1944 Bob Blurton
1946 LaVerda Anglin McGovern
1947 Bruce Royer (no computer)
1948 Joan Grigsby Sorsabal
1949 Phyllis Bolinger Munn
1950 Sharon Gregory McConnell
1952 Jim Barker/ Co-rep with Berniece Schafer Sarthou
1953 Pat Vierra Zima
1954 Sherry Woods Caplinger /Co-rep with Doris Wiese Stoughton
1955 Roger Grunwald/ Co-rep with Judi Miller Everts
1956 Florence Owens Satchell/ Co-rep with Bud Swenson
1957 Norma Harvey Saffell
1958 Mike Johnson
1959 Lee Ann Haslam Cameron
1960 Cheri Jewett Brenner
1961 Sharon Smith Gibson
1966 Keith Middleton
1967 Craig Mathews/ Co-rep with Val Fuhihara
1971 Don Michael Sayre
1974 Kathy Odam Kenny
1975 John Logan
Click on the following to get more information.